When you show up for an interview you need to be able to present yourself in the best light. But with so many other interviewees it can be difficult to stand out.
The Personalized Talents Chart from Top Ten Talents gives you a powerful interview tool to help show off your strengths and show the interviewer why you're perfect for the position!
I interviewed for a Nursing Supervisor role. I actually emailed my Personalized Talents Chart to the Manager--- and she called that week, and she hired me.
The information John provided on my Personalized Talents Chart helped me to understand myself in a deeper way for building a speaking business.
John spent a lot of time with me and created my Personalized Talents Chart. It’s been an invaluable tool for Job Interviews!
John is one of a handful of people I have met during my search who has added incredible value to me personally!
You will need to know your talents from the Top 5 CliftonStrengths assessment to proceed.
The simple answer? No.
According to the Gallup website:
“Your first completion of the CliftonStrengths (formerly known as StrengthsFinder) will yield the purest and most revealing results. For this reason, each access code is valid for only one use to take the assessment.
Taking the assessment more than once may actually decrease the accuracy of your results. The assessment measures the presence of talents by presenting you with a pair of statements, then challenging you to make a top-of-mind choice between the two. The 20-second time limit and your unfamiliarity with the statements ensure your assessment's accuracy by making it difficult to over-think your responses.”
At Top Ten Talents, we agree with Gallup on this issue. Once you have taken the assessment, you know too much to take it again in an objective fashion. Regardless if you remember the specific statements or not, your brain has an understanding of how the assessment works. This can affect your top of mind answer - which is where our talents are triggered. In addition, in cases where someone gets a talent that they don't want the first time, their subconscious may even skew their subsequent results away from something that could be a very powerful, undeveloped gift.
You'll receive a PDF copy of your Personalized Talents Chart and a training video on how to utilize your Personalized Talents Chart to make the STRONGEST Impact with those who Interview you.